Dawn at Lord Ranch (Original sketch)
Dawn at Lord Ranch (Original sketch)
This small, original artwork depicts a view from our cabin porch at Lord Ranch near Valentine, Nebraska. This is were we bunked down after a day of pheasant hunting and hiking. The media are Blick Art pastel chalks and Prismacolor pencils then sealed with Polycrylic.
Size: H: 3.5 inches X W: 5.5 inches
Media: Chalk pastels and colored pencil on Bristol board.
Year: 2023
Nebraska Sandhills cover about a quarter of the state, and they are absolutely magnificent. Nebraska Sandhills is one of the largest plant-anchored sand dune regions in the world and the largest sand dune formation in the Western Hemisphere. Click here to read more about this magnificent place.
My husband loves hunting pheasant and duck here. We recommend bunking down in a little cabin at Lord Ranch.